2009 was an amazing year for all of us at Oak Park Temple. We filled the house more times this past year than I can remember! From the Annual Meeting where we voted to accept the Rabbi Search Committee’s recommendation to hire Rabbi Weiss to the dinner honoring Rabbi Gerson, and then Rabbi Weiss’ installation, we all gathered in record numbers. In between those events there were so many other dinners and occasions to pray and celebrate together that I can’t even try to list them all. But, I do want to thank everyone who participated in them, both the volunteers and participants who made them so successful.
Now, we need to sustain the enthusiasm that was generated by the events of last year. New in 2010 will be the Derech Eretz Leadership Development Program. We always need new leaders and this is a great way for everyone to learn more about how OPT works. There will be presentations by many of our members and others from the Jewish community. Please check out our ever-improving website to get more information about this program.
Another chance for us to “pack the house” again is this month at the Silent Auction. On January 23 the Community Hall will be transformed for “How Sweet It Is” featuring a multitude of desserts, auction items and music. What a great way to start the new year surrounded by your Temple family.
Don’t forget that our 2010 Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, January 31. Although we don’t have anything monumental to vote on this year, our new Board members still need to be voted in and your attendance is always appreciated.
As always, think about attending just one more service, participating in one more class, or joining in one more committee than you did last year. You won’t regret it.