Thursday, January 15, 2009

The New Year at Oak Park Temple started off with a bang! In just one weekend we had the amazing Oy Vey Cabaret, a visit by Rabbi Weiss, and a cooking lesson by Laura Frankl sponsored by the Adult Ed. Committee.

I’d like to take a moment and thank everyone who worked on the Cabaret. This was an event not to miss and I hope it gets repeated again, and again.

Then there was the “visit”. As of the writing of this message, the Board of Directors has voted to recommend Rabbi Max Weiss to the congregation as the next rabbi of OPT. This concludes the work of the Rabbi Search Committee. I hope all of you on the committee feel all the gratitude that we in the congregation wish to express for the many hours you gave in order to find the “right” person to fill the void being left by Rabbi Gerson’s retirement. We all know that you on the committee wholeheartedly dedicated yourselves to this endeavor. Selfishly, I hope that you will continue on giving of yourselves to our congregation. Please think about what you would like to be involved with in the future, and just let me know. (That doesn’t leave the rest of the congregation off the hook. You all need to figure out what you’d like to do, too, and volunteer!)

Coming up this month will be a wine tasting fundraiser. Watch your mailboxes for more information about this event.

Finally, for the many of you who came to the temple on January 11 to meet Rabbi Weiss, things are going on every Sunday, Friday night, and Saturday morning too. Don’t be strangers. Join us whenever you can.


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